Burlington Canadian Fingerprinting Check

Burlington Canadian Fingerprinting Check

Burlington Fingerprinting Services has been accredited by the RCMP to submit electronic fingerprints to CCRTIS in support of criminal record checks.

An RCMP criminal record check will determine if you have been charged or convicted of a crime. If a name-based criminal record check does not provide a definite way of confirming your identity you may be asked to provide fingerprints. The use of fingerprints is the most accurate way to confirm a person’s identity. They ensure that individuals cannot evade their criminal past and protect individuals from being falsely associated with a criminal record that is not theirs.

Types of RCMP criminal background checks

RCMP Criminal record check
An RCMP criminal record check will determine if a person has been charged or convicted of a crime. There are two ways to check if you have a criminal history:

a. Name-based RCMP criminal record checks
Using names and dates of birth is the most common way to check a person’s criminal history.
Name-based criminal record checks are done checking against the RCMP’s Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) system. They consist of a check of the National Repository of Criminal Records based on a person’s name and date of birth. It may also include searches of other national and local databases.
Name-based checks have weaknesses in verifying a person’s identity due to some last names being the same, differences in spelling, use of nicknames, legal name changes and the intentional changing of names to avoid a record of criminal history.

b. Certified RCMP criminal record checks
When name-based criminal record checks do not provide a definite way of confirming a person’s identity, you may be asked to provide fingerprints. This is known as a “certified criminal record check.”
A fingerprint search of the National Repository of Criminal Records is conducted by RCMP’s Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS).
A very small number of people have fingerprints that cannot be processed electronically. In these exceptional cases the police service will submit a paper copy of your fingerprints.
The use of fingerprints for RCMP criminal record checks is based on informed consent and includes sharing the results of that information to a third party named by you on the application form.
The fingerprints submitted to CCRTIS for criminal record checks are only used to confirm your identity. At no time are fingerprints added to a database where they could be subject to search.

Burlington Fingerprinting Services Is An Accredited Fingerprinting Company

Accredited fingerprinting companies like Burlington Fingerprinting Services are authorized to submit fingerprints to the RCMP’s Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS) for searches of the National Repository of Criminal Records. The results of these certified criminal record checks do not include information from other national or local data bases.

In addition to taking fingerprints electronically, several of these companies accept fingerprints that have been taken on paper, convert them to electronic transactions, and submit them directly to CCRTIS for processing. This service is also available to individuals whose fingerprints were taken outside of Canada.

Accredited fingerprinting companies are not authorized to conduct vulnerable sector checks but are allowed to fingerprint applicants who are referred to them by the police of local jurisdiction.

Steps for getting a certified RCMP criminal record check

From outside Canada
To submit fingerprints to the RCMP’s Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS) from outside of Canada, you must first contact the local police of jurisdiction where you are staying outside Canada and who can provide you with a copy of your fingerprints. Ensure you get the name and address of the police agency as well as the signature and name of the official taking the fingerprints. Also ensure all ten fingers are taken with black ink.

Next, you must contact Burlington Fingerprinting Services within Canada who can convert the paper fingerprint forms taken outside of Canada and submit them to CCRTIS electronically.

From inside Canada
Criminal record checks that involve the use of fingerprints are known as “certified criminal record checks.” If the local police or your employer request fingerprints for your criminal record check, two steps are involved:

Step 1: Have your fingerprints taken
Contact Burlington Fingerprinting Services to have your fingerprints taken. You will be asked to review information on your application form prior to the police agency or authorized agency submitting it to the RCMP’s Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services (CCRTIS).

Ensure all information is accurate and complete prior to submission to CCRTIS in order to avoid having to re-submit your application and further processing fees.

Step 2: Provide the following information to the person taking your fingerprints
Inform Burlington Fingerprinting Services of the reason for the certified criminal record check. It can include:

Adoptions – Canadian and International
Foreign travel – Visas, U.S. Waivers, Border Crossing
Employment – specify the job title and the name of the employer (do not use abbreviations)
Volunteer work – specify the job title and the name of the business/organization
Applications for immigration to Canada
– In the “Name and Address of Contributing Agency/Department” portion of the form, you must include the name and address of the Canadian Immigration Center, Embassy, Consulate or High Commission handling the case.
Applications for Canadian Citizenship
Applications to obtain criminal record to apply for a record suspension
Name change
Permanent residency in foreign countries (all countries except Canada)
Requests under the Privacy Act (criminal record report will not contain the RCMP seal)

If you have any questions about obtaining an RCMP check please contact us at Burlington Fingerprinting Services.